Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sunflowers on my Mind

You may notice that I have changed the name of my blog.  I am operating through a fog these days, but trying to hang with the Lord through all.  Some days I am fine and then other days I drag.  Anyway, I just started thinking about the sunflower and how it follows the sun.  And so that is what I strive to do myself...follow the Son (Jesus).

I have not been in contact with Eric for a few weeks now.  He did come by the house to pay his brother some money he owed.  He handed Brandon the money, no words spoken and left.  His father called him one day to invite him to an Eagle ceremony for a friend of his.  He barely spoke to Mark and told him he would not be coming to the ceremony.  It is heartbreaking that he has chosen to push us out of his life.  He has also been drifting in and out of jobs.  Through all of this I have chosen to continue on with my Lord.  I want Him to have first place in my heart.  He is the only one who can heal my broken heart.

Been reading the book "So Stick a Geranium in Your Hat and Be Happy!" by Barbara Johnson.  Barbara says "Pain is inevitable, but misery is optional."  Her book is like a balm I apply to my broken heart.  When I feel that I can't take the pain...I open Barbara's book and start reading.  Thank you Lord for Barbara!!!

This week I took a step out in faith.  I have scheduled an appointment with my bowel doctor.  Going to set a date for surgery.  I am experiencing increasing difficulties with my tummy, so it is time to step out and believe my Lord for a miracle.  Prayers are appreciated.

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