Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Trying to keep it positive...

Well, all I can say is life has been challenging.  But then I think of friends that have had great challenges as well.  Such as my friend Cheryl who lost her sister to cancer in November.  Another friend struggled through her husband having cancer only to find that she herself has cancer also.  She is not doing well this holiday season as the brain cancer has taken away her ability to walk and she is confined to bed. She is looking forward to being with Jesus any day now.  I could not sleep well for a couple night when I heard of Helen's condition until the Lord helped me realize she is blessed to be going home.

Well, on to another topic, my health and the candida saga.  I was doing the candida diet which is very restrictive.  Unfortunately it triggered my eating disorder thinking where I began looking at food as my enemy.  (In my teens I struggled with two different eating disorders.)  Anyway, my weight dropped under a 100 pounds, so I said goodbye to the diet.  Wasting away to nothing is only going to kill me not candida.  I do still stay away from white sugar for the most part, but I have allowed bread back into my diet. Thanks be to God, I heard about the probiotic called Florastor.  There was information on the web that it can help with candida overgrowth.  So I gave it a try and I am so blessed and grateful to the Lord that it has been helping.  The rash on my face and hands has cleared up and my tummy is having less pain.  PTL!

In other news, we just had our roof redone again in less than a year.  In 2017 a nasty hail storm passed through our area in the spring.  It was a big deal because our local mall was so damaged by the storm that it was closed for many months. Many cars were damaged as well as many homes.  Every house on our street had to have its roof replaced.  Then this summer another nasty hail storm passed through and ruined our roof again.  It has been a blessing in disguise.  We were not impressed with any of our prior roofers so we decided to hire our neighbor's roofer.  We are so glad we did because he has been honest.  Mark had been on the roof and noticed some things that were not right.  Prior roofers ignored Mark's concerns, but this roofer noticed them without being told and was concerned for us.  When the old roof was removed he uncovered the shady things the prior roofers had done.  Essentially, our roof deck has been falling apart and nobody was telling us.  One of the roofers had done a patch job that they never told us about.  Its really sad that there are so many dishonest roofers out there and they prey on people in their time of need. This time the job was done right and we are thankful.

Well, the Christmas season is upon us.  Been watching loads of Hallmark movies...lol.  And surprise to us, we have our Christmas tree up early for a change.  Our two kitties, Dusty & Daisy, were very excited when the tree came.  Dusty, at the ripe old age of 16, was running around and under the tree.  It puts a smile on my face.  Merry Christmas everyone!

Saturday, November 24, 2018

This is for all the lonely people...

If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.  John 15:19

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12

There are times when people will exclude you, not want to talk to you, or be interested in what you have to say.  There are times when people will dislike you for seemingly no good reason at all.  When this kind of treatment happens at the holidays it can be especially painful, but if you are a Christian, please remember the above scripture verses and take heart.  Also, remember to look for the little blessings the Lord has set in your path and for ways you can bless others.  Doing so, will keep your focus off of what you can't have.

I hope this helps to make your holidays merry & bright.  God bless!

Friday, November 2, 2018


This past Monday I attended son #2's first sentencing.  He has another one this coming Monday.  Thankfully the Lord provided a friend to go with me.  Oh my, was it ever a hard day!  It took a lot out of me.  I just have to get through this next one and it will be over.  Honestly, I feel like it has been a sentencing for myself.  Having to face up to things I did not expect or that I saw and did not want to believe.  Also, been doing a lot of replay of the past and sorting things out.  I can't tell you how painful it is.  Not so much because of things I've done, but because of good things I wanted that have not materialized.  And too because of things lost...the agony of that brings a dark cloud.

The day after the sentencing I woke up with an inflamed face.  The rash was back and and my eyes were red and puffy and my hair was falling out.  So I decided I needed a treat day.  On top of that it was a cold, gloomy day and it started snowing.  So I went out to lunch with Mark and treated myself to gluten free sweet potato pecan pancakes with bacon and hot coffee.  It was absolutely perfect!  At the restaurant we ran into one of our old pastors and a deacon.  It was nice to say hello and be on friendly terms even if we don't see eye to eye.

The rest the week has been full of housekeeping, cooking, baking, a little shopping and resting with my kitties. Can't think of anything else to say so I will end here.  Have a happy weekend y'all!

Here is a pic from July 2018 when we went camping at Kenosha Pass.
This was after my DIL had taken the kids away, I look worn out.
I really needed this trip, had a lot of fun with Mark.
Also got bit up by mosquitoes...hehe.
Since then I have learned that mosquitoes are attracted to the color black.
So don't wear black on a camping trip like I am in this picture.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

My Candida/Leaky Gut Journey

Today I've decided to talk about my years long battle with Candida.  Ever since the last surgery on my bowel in 2013 I've had issues with fungus even with taking probiotic and eating and drinking probiotic foods.  It got bad after I left the hospital, so much so that I was prescribed an anti-fungal med.  I also had to use an anti-fungal powder on my tummy around the incision area.  It eventually cleared up and I thought I was all done with it.

A couple years later my face broke out in odd red patches. I tried to self treat thinking it was eczema.  By the time I went for treatment at urgent care it had gotten infected and I had to go on antibiotic.  The whole ordeal scared me.  I went to my GP to talk over what happened and what I could do to stop this from happening again.  She was less than concerned and not helpful other than to prescribe medication that I never took. I've never gone back to her for anything since then.

Now a couple years out from that, I am reliving the experience.  This time I didn't let the red patches get so big before I went to my neighborhood urgent care facility.  The doctor there was very sharp and recognized it was fungal.  He prescribed a cream which got it to clear up for which I am so thankful.  But, I did research online since doctors tend to give drugs rather than information.  In my research I came across people that said their rash came back after using the creams.  Sure enough, a couple patches on my chin looked like they were trying to make a come back.  Ugh!  So I did even more research and came to the realization that more than likely I have leaky gut (which conventional doctors don't recognize as legit).  It makes sense that my bowel is damaged after all the crud I have been through medically (loads of antibiotics) and stress-wise.  Anyway, it boils down to me needing to change my diet and lifestyle terribly so.

Also, I made the discovery that iodine kills fungus (Candida).  Low dose iodine drops in a glass of water once a day have been helpful. Also, remember those little bottles of iodine that our parents used on our cuts and scrapes when we were kids?  Well, I discovered Walmart carries a colorless version and I've been applying that to the patches on my face and hands.  It stings, but it helps take some of the itch out.  However, its not a cure by itself.  I made the iodine discovery before I went to the urgent care doctor. When the eczema care was not working I took a wild guess that the patches were fungal. I started using silver and the topical iodine. It responded to the treatment better than the eczema care, but it wasn't curing it, thus visiting the doctor.  With his diagnosis of it being fungal and the anti-fungal cream he prescribed clearing the patches up, I knew I was on the right track.

So with my suspicion being validated I knew what vein to research for self treatment.  I can say, with the addition of a new diet and fungal supplements I seem to be making better progress.  Praise God!  Here are the measures I am currently taking:

Anti-fungal Supplements:  NOW brand Caprylic Acid 600 mg 2x a day (planning on adding a 3rd pill at some point) & Gaia brand of Oil of Oregano 3x a day. 

Diet:  Elimination of sugar and foods with white flour.  Basically trying to follow "The Perfect Health Diet".

Also, I've learned about probiotics, the kind you can eat and the pills. I learned that you have to be careful when choosing a probiotic supplement because some contain a "prebiotic" which can be very harsh on the bowel.  And I had picked up a very good brand of probiotic, only to learn it had "prebiotic" in it.  Oh my!  It did a number on my bowel. Thus, I decided to eat my probiotic through yogurt and sauerkraut and also eat my "prebiotics" through veggies. But even that can be too harsh.  Thus some application of the GAPS diet via "bone broth".  I can say that the broth has been very helpful and settling to the digestive tract. And I am also taking Vital Proteins hydrolyzed collagen powder.  And just making the realization that treatment is all about the individual and balance. And that too much of a good thing can be harmful as a bad thing. As the saying goes:  All things in moderation.

Through all of this, I am gaining a whole new take on food being healing rather than a party.  It is hard especially when we associate food with comfort.  With it being Autumn I think of trips to the apple orchard, apple pie, pumpkin pie, apple cider & hot buttermilk biscuits slathered with apple butter.  Or how about Starbucks wonderful Autumn coffee drinks and baked goods?  All those Autumn goodies contain white flour and/or sugar.  Sigh.  But, I am finding that my homemade no sugar added applesauce with lots of good spices is satisfying.  Did you know that adding some fresh ginger root to applesauce is delightful?  A new autumn treat for me!  :-)  Also, I've been making my own broths and learning to cook and bake with new ingredients (gluten free). It basically boils down to taking care of myself in a greater way.  After all, I am not getting any younger and being older I am finding it takes more time and pampering to keep "me" going.  ;-)

I may make this a regular topic I post about.  It will be good to track progress and share recipes.  Until my next post, God bless y'all and Happy Autumn! 

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Life goes on...

Happiness is not found in marriage or work; or ministry; or children.  Happiness is found by being secure in Jesus.  ~Corrie Ten Boom

Its been a long time since I last posted.  It has been a roller coaster of a time.  In going through piles of papers I came across an old journal and the above quote was written in it.  In my life I have experienced this quote to be true.  In a messy life the only true source of comfort is Jesus.

I no longer do daycare.  Although I dearly love children, it became to overwhelming and was taking a toll on my health.  Actually, I went to the Lord and asked for a break and He graciously granted it.  However, the way my break came about was not with all pleasantries.  It came in a harsh and cold manner.  The last day I sat my grandsons was June 25, 2018.  I got to see them for a few hours in August when Mark's parents were visiting, but since then I have not been included in their lives.  To say the least, its been heartbreaking.

But as always, the Lord knows these things.  I have no power to change what has happened, however, He does.  So I live life in submission to Him and His plan.  He has all the power to change the situation, so I leave it all in His faithful and caring hands.  So life has been quiet and it has been so needed for my health.  I am working on a healing diet and trying to exercise when I feel well enough to do so.  So that is my life for now, the Lord has granted me to rest in Him.  Since I am not so bogged down hopefully I will have more time to write on this blog.