Monday, November 5, 2012

Empty Trees

Mark has been on business in Singapore for a week now and we are working on week two.  At the end of this week he begins his journey home.  It will take over 24 hours for him to get home.  This time I am missing him very much even though we have been keeping in touch twice a day via Skype.

Our big news is that our youngest son, Brandon, has decided to join the Army.  We are very proud of him for making that decision.  It has been Brandon's dream since he was little to join the service.  We met with the recruiter and signed paper work before Mark left for Singapore.  Last week Brandon took the written test and passed.  After that I went in with Brandon, bringing along important documents they needed to start his file.  This week he will be taking his physical and afterward he will be officially in the Army.

As for my oldest son, Eric, we do not hear much from him and what I do hear, breaks my heart.  Brandon keeps in some contact with him, but he is always disappointed by his brother.  When Brandon told Eric he was joining the Army Eric's response was not what he had hoped for.

I titled this post "Empty Trees" for a reason.  This morning as I was doing the dishes I noticed that more light was coming into my kitchen.  The leaves from the trees in our backyard are almost completely gone.  Soon the branches will be completely bare waiting for snow to grace them.  This made me dwell on the fact that my youngest will soon be off and my nest will be empty.  However, my youngest will go with a bright future.  That makes me smile.

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