Now on to how I am doing. Last I left off I had made a decision to wear wigs. I went on to purchase another wig and the wig equipment. I wore them for a short bit. However, because of my husband I have stopped wearing them. Just between you and me, he doesn't really like them. He insists my real hair is good enough because he doesn't see bald spots the way I fix it. Plus I've had a couple of friends tell me I look fine too. So I have been going around with my headbands and thin hair. In my opinion it takes guts to do it.
Since last writing I had to adjust my dose of Creon, my pancreatic enzyme prescription. Upping the dosage has been key to me doing better and stabilizing my hair loss. There is some hair growing in, but not very much right now. My weight has improved slightly since upping the dosage. I used to be 95 lbs. but now I don't go below 97. I saw my endocrinologist in early September and she said I need to get my weight up to 105 to 110 range to be healthy.
Currently my weight has been hanging out in the 98 lbs. range. I am eating several times a day. I have breakfast, lunch and dinner and snacks. I take supplements, keep sugar to a minimum and eat lots of protein. I took the grandkids to Chick-fil-A on weekend and we enjoyed their yummy lemonade. On our way home I felt funny. When I got home I got my glucose meter out and checked my blood sugar. I gasped...NO more sugary drinks or food for me.
I am still weak and resting. If I do too much, which I have, I get super tired and then it upsets my sleep and my emotional state. So can't have too much stress. I also found a new Christian counselor. The first appointment was good, but hard. I talked about so much stuff and after the appointment I let out a big sigh. However, when I got home I cried. Deep down I know there is a cesspool of traumatic emotions I've not dealt with in regards to health and my sons. My counselor thinks that dealing with it will bring health to my body. I certainly hope it does.
The picture below is of Mark and I in the beautiful Colorado mountains. Some friends from Arkansas came to visit and we took a drive to the mountains with them. They took this picture of us. Well, this is all for now.