Wednesday, November 6, 2019

New Wig!

Well, after a 3rd try, I finally found a wig that I feel confident and most comfortable in and that my husband likes.  Of course I would prefer my own hair, but the Lord has not allowed that so far.  However, He has allowed this wig.

This is called "Work It" from Raquel Welch straight out of the box.  Sorry, no make-up for this shot, been having a few facial issues and have had to limit my make-up.  Anyhow, this wig is the most comfortable wig I own (I have 3).  I don't like wigs at all, but if I have to wear one I will choose this one.  When I look in the mirror I feel it's "me" and that is important.  To lose my hair has been the hardest trial ever.  Sniff...tears.  I did not imagine this for my senior years.

Neither did I imagine losing relationship with my sons and pancreatic insufficiency.  Those together are bad enough without piling hair loss on top of it.  My hubby is convinced my hair will come back once I am healthy.  I pray that I do get healthy again.  So far I have been unable to get to 100 lbs.  However, the signs of health I do have are the condition of my fingernails.  Also, my eyebrows seem to be fuller and my eyelashes have definitely gotten longer.  Very amazing since for years my fingernails have easily snapped off (especially in the dry fall/winter season which is now upon us) and my eyebrows and eyelashes have been on the sparse side for years.  So maybe health will slowly but surely envelope me, I pray that it does.

1 comment:

Sherry said...

oh my goodness becky i LOVE this wig!
hoping it offers a bit of confidence
in your every day happenings at home
and beyond. you lovely lovely ♥

as to your health .. i'm continuing in prayer.
and as to your sons .. i'm continuing in prayer
in that situation for i know the absolute
grief and agony it brings and settles deep
within. gentle hugs coming your way dear friend.