Thursday, August 18, 2016

Feeling a bit Autumn-ish?

I am feeling it!  I've noticed that the days are getting shorter and the air is feeling a tad cooler.  And even some stores have Autumn decor out.  Granted, it is a bit early as its only the middle of August.  Hello!  We haven't even passed Labor Day!  I know, but Autumn comes earlier here in Colorado than it ever did in Southern California.  And for some reason I love Autumn, it seems to be my favorite season, so I just can't help myself.  Don't get me wrong, I have been enjoying summer, it has been fun to wear shorts, skirts and sandals because in Colorado we wear our winter clothes the greater part of the year.  Its also been wonderful to feel warm, eat frozen yogurt and drink iced beverages.  And I am still waiting on the next summer event to take place and that is the birth of our 3rd grandson!

Anyway, feeling the Autumn-ish mood, I had a rare day off and went to the mall.  Oh my goodness, I felt like a queen of leisure!  I enjoyed browsing the new decor in stores and actually bought some items.  And then that naturally led me to think about bath products.  When don't I think of soap?  So I had to stop at the Bath & Body Works to enjoy the new Autumn scents.  I can't buy their bath products anymore due to my eczema, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying smelling.  And then the candles, oh my!  I have to say, the displays were gorgeous and the new scents delightful.  So when I got home I went through my bath items in storage again, seeing if I have anything for Autumn.  Which I only have a couple items so I might be able to make a couple purchases.  Yay!

In my process of sorting things out in storage, I was able to throw a few things out.  And I was able to reflect while sorting.  I realized that I should not be so hard on myself about my purchases.  Why?  Because when I do purchase items I do it thoughtfully.  Even so, I really don't know how the items are going to work out.  Once I get the item home the story begins.  Some items work and some don't for whatever reason and I can't predict that when I buy it.  Some things I enjoy for awhile and that is okay.  Some products I buy are a trusted brand, but then I find out they changed hands and thus changed the formula.  Other brands I like have been done away with.  Sometimes I can take items back and sometimes I can't.  Even eating at a restaurant you never know if you are going to really like what you order.  So big light bulb turned on in my head that a great majority of shopping is a gamble and anything that works out great is a blessing from the Lord.  So there you go!

Well, that is the extent of my ramblings.  On an ending note, I have to reflect on the Lord.  I am so glad He made seasons.  It just goes to show how much fun He is, not to mention creative and just plain awesome.  Wishing you dear reader an amazing rest of summer as it slowly fades into Autumn. 

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